On the home front, we have made more progress, working round interruptions for visitors. My brother was the latest. He kindly treated me to a round of golf. We both went round in about 150, but he managed to get a par on the 18th (the b#st#rd) which is the only hole I've ever managed a par on. 150 is a lot, but the course was very wet and so my scuff shots didn't trundle as far as normal.
In the garden, the rockery is finished and has the first lot of plants in. We used some of the rubble left over from the roofing as a base, and then built it up with rocks that came from the new window openings. It was hard work, and in hindsight, it would have been easier to pile the rocks on top of the rubble heap and call that the rockery, but I think it was worth it.
Tina has now finished pulling out the brambles in all the hedges, ready for them to start growing again, and we have another heap ready to burn. Having a large garden is very nice, but it is a hell of a lot of work. Hopefully, now that we are here full time, it might be a bit easier to keep up with it.
In the house, I have got the third lot of plasterboard on the ceiling at the back, and Tina has scrubbed down the outside facing walls, ready for plaster boarding.
It's getting to the stage now where we need to sandblast the walls before we can do anything else. We got a quote over the phone from someone who wanted 700 Euros a day ( I don't think Matt Le Tiss was on that much) so now we have bought a small sandblaster on E-Bay for £50.00. Hopefully it will work OK, and if so we can undercut the other guy and still make a mint!
We're now on the look out for a diving suit to act as safety gear, as the sand gets everywhere.
a bientot