Since we got Fabrice, we have both been under the weather, very stressed out and ill. Tina hasn't had a good nights kip in a week, worrying about the dog.
We have tried, but it really does seem that we are not dog people after all. Tina is better than I am, I get nervous when he gets nibbely, but we just can't relax with him around. People say that a young dog is like looking after a child, and you all know what we think about kids!
The sad thing is that Fabrice is a very good natured dog. He gets a bit excited some times, and jumps up at you and can nip, but I'm sure that you could quickly train him out of that. Other than that, he has his bed under the table on the patio, and sleeps there quite happily through the night. That's why we're sure that it's not him, it's us (me in particular).

Luckily for us, some new friends lost one of their dogs to cancer last year, and after a lot of thought, have decided to take on Fabrice as company for Hatti, their Labrador bitch.
I know it must seem like a bit of a cop out, but we think he will be much better off, as they have had dogs for years, and will be able to train him properly, and he will have Hatti to play with.
Fabrice will be moving on on Wednesday, but he will only be a few miles away, so we can see how he is getting on.
We took Fabrice of to his new home on Wednesday, and he settled in straight away. He was soon playing with Hatti, running off into the garden with either end of a plastic bag in their mouths, like Lady and the Tramp but with rubbish!
He settled in well, and that night he slept on his blanket in Andrew and
Suzie's bedroom. Much nicer than under our table, but hard on Andrew and Suzie, 'cause he snores!

PS He is not called Fabrice anymore, as Andrew prefers the name Boogey, although I think they should call him Eric, as he is sharing a house with Hatti. Also , if they got another dog, they could call it PC Corkey! Younger readers check out the link below.