We dug a new vegetable patch, where we used to have the bonfire, and set to work filling it with natures goodies. It took a bit of work to clear it, as it was full of charcoal and bits of metal from old doors that we had burnt, but it does seem to have left us with decent soil.
We planted spring onions, aubergines, tomatoes, broccoli, courgettes and squash.
We also planted some more broccoli and some red onions in our old veg patch, and put some potatoes in an old dustbin full of compost.
The broccoli in the old bed all got eaten by something, and no amount of slug pellets or traps would stop it. The red onions started well, but started to go sideways, and then stop growing all together, so they have had do be dug up and dried, to try again next year, and the spuds were nice, but we only got enough for a couple of meals. We think that the old patch is too much in the shade, and so next year we will just use it for courgettes ans squashes, which seem to grow anywhere.
The new bed is a different story. The spring onions were great, and the broccoli heads have been huge, although they all matured at the same time ( we planted F1 broccoli which apparently is not some new motor racing offshoot but is in fact a hybrid grown to be picked at the same time).
The aubergines are looking good, and we have had so many tomatoes for the last month that I am in danger of hitting my five a day target on a regular basis, as opposed to my normal 5 a week.
The colours and flavours have been much better than anything you could buy at a supermarket, so we will definitely be planting even more next year.
On the landscaping front, dad cleared back the old conifers, which were still dying, and showing no signs of forming an orderly hedge.
While I was getting round to chopping down the stumps, they made a great hunting stool for Henry.
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